The origin of Mkpat Enin is traced to Eastern Ibibio Ikono (Ukpum Usiak Utin) in Ikono Local Government of Akwa Ibom State. It is reported that Obong Akpan Ikono, a hunter from Ikono founded our present day Mkpat Enin in the sixteenth century during one of his hunting expeditions. He discovered many footprints of elephants in the thick forest in which he was hunting. Thus, he named the place “Mkpat Enin”, meaning elephant leg. When he returned to his Ikono home and communicated his findings to his brothers, they decided to relocate to Mkpat Enin where they settled to be able to hunt for more elephants for their ivory trading.

Along with him and his wife, Obong Akpan Ikono brought his uncles who are the founders of Ikot Ekpe, Nnung Ukim III, Ikot Obio Akwa and Ikot Abasi Ufon.

Among his children were:

“Mkpat Enin village was structured by our founding fathers into five administrative units of Nung Oku; Nung Abasi; Nung Ntuen Obong; Nung Etukudo and Nung Ukan.

According to the late Chief, Elder Johnson Ekpo, Mkpat Enin evolved into prominence during the reign of Chief Ekpo Inyang Oduk. For years, he was the sole administrative head of our village. But, contrary to expectation, the trend could no longer endure further test of time. It was interrupted by an unforeseen domestic situation, which created a new chapter, to serve as a paradigm in the annals of our beloved hometown. The chief had developed concern at the sad news he received regarding the ill health of his mother in-law at Ikot Ntot, and so, decided to witness things for himself.

Travelling the rough road which stretched through and passed the compounds of Chiefs Brown Ekanem, Sampson Ekpo, etc;  (a street still in existence today) which was the only ancient rural road between Mkpat Enin and Ikot Ntot, he saw the late Chief Udo Udom of Nung Abasi Family, sitting on his porch. Chief Ekpo Inyang Oduk said these words to him. “Ada, I am on my way to Ikot Ntot, to see my mother in-law who is reportedly sick. I do not know how long I would be there. But, I want you to take charge of the village until I return.” 

With these simple words, Chief Ekpo Inyang Oduk changed the administrative structure of our village. Upon his return from Ikot Ntot, he officially declared Chief Udo Udom of Nung Abasi Family, the first deputy head of Mkpat Enin. When Chief Udo Udom died, Nung Abasi family elders met and selected our late icon, Chief, Elder Johnson Ekpo to succeed him.

Chief Ekpo Inyang Oduk passed and was succeeded by Chief Udofia Ufot as the village head of our town.

When Chief Udofia Ufot died, his successor was Chief Udo Ekpa Ufot. In December of the same year, our primary school at Urua Ekpuno was relocated to its current site. This became necessary, because for several years, the school could not advance beyond standard two, amid constant community squabbles, bickering and power-tussling, as to which village should control the institution. Students from Mkpat Enin attended primary schools at distant Ikot Osudu, Ibesit, Ikot Eko Ibon, Native Authority School at Ikot Obio Itong etc; to complete their standard six education.

By the month of December 1952, a temporary school hall was erected at the new location.  Mkpat Enin Village witnessed a wonderful period of re-naissance, featuring love, unity, and economic prosperity. Three permanent classroom structures were built between 1953 and 1954. Within four years, the institution achieved the status of a full primary school. When the results of the first standard six examinations were published, Mkpat Enin community went wild, expressing their joy with several gun salute while others danced in the street, as music was supplied by the local ITEMBE DANCE BAND led by the young men of the village, some of whom are still alive today. The Itembe group visited the compounds of all the standard six graduates to salute them.  The three classroom buildings are in honor and memory of our ten heroic chiefs; and have also immortalized their names in the community.

The era of prosperity continued in Mkpat Enin and this encouraged the village to go into the world of business, with the purchase of a commercial motor vehicle, named: “EDIBOHO EDI ODUDU”, which yielded good financial returns. A complete band-set (brassband) was also purchased by Mkpat Enin, to boost the economy of the town.

During the same period, Mkpat Enin Development Association at Port Harcourt did something unprecedented in the history of our village. They awarded scholarships to deserving youths in our community. Unfortunately, most of the leaders of that benevolent organization: Rev. Nnah J. Ekpo, Rev. Ekanem G. Essien and Mr. Efiong U. Umoh are no longer alive.

What a myth it was in our educational struggle to exist! Mr. T. U. Ibanga brought inexplicable joy and pride to entire Mkpat Enin Community, when he broke that myth, by passing the Senior Cambridge Overseas School Certificate Examination early in the dark age of 1946. He was followed by Rev. N. J. Ekpo, Mr. Iwok Ekanem and Mr. O. S. Akpan, all of whom have gone to be with their creator. Many of our young men and women took advantage of the opening of the doors of teacher education, with the result that Mkpat Enin was flooded with qualified teachers, who worked themselves up to the positions of headmasters, headmistresses and secondary school principals. University education became a public slogan in Mkpat Enin! Many of our people left the country to pursue their education overseas. Others studied at various universities within the country. Today, university graduates are everywhere and to spare in Mkpat Enin.

Shortly after Mkpat Enin became the headquarters of the Four Groups, the council advertised for the position of a Secretary/Treasurer. Our native son, the late Mr. T. U. Ibanga who possessed the Senior Cambridge Oversea School Certificate, applied for the job. As the most qualified candidate, everyone expected him to easily sail through to become the first Secretary/Treasurer of that council. But, the reverse was the case! Another Mkpat Enin native, who represented our ward in the council, surprisingly blocked Mr. Ibanga from being hired, thus robbing our village of the mountain of benefits which could have accrued therefrom. He chose to support a standard six candidate, who was not even a native of our Four Groups Community. This terrible story is not an isolated case! The same scenario still obtains in our community even today! Most of our people are known to appreciate and honour  outsiders, against their very own.




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+1 (410) 967-7989

Our organization is currently undertaking several critical projects aimed at enhancing the quality of life for students and residents of Mkpat Enin Urban. To achieve our goals, we are seeking ongoing financial and equipment support…